The NYS Grade 3 ELA Test is coming up April 1-3, 2014!
Make sure your child is as prepared as he or she can be!
Practice with a sample test: part 1 and part 2 provided by the Office of State Assessment. And once you’re done, score your answers. Analyze what types of questions your child tends to do well on, and which questions he/she can improve upon.
Tip #1: When you study for the test, don’t only focus on the mistakes! It is much harder to understand a confusing concept. It is much easier to do better on a concept one is already pretty good at. So, spend time on areas where your child is already doing well, so he/she can get more points there.
Tip #2: Focus on the mistakes! In some cases, a child makes a mistake due to a slight misunderstanding of the concept. This can sometimes be easily fixed. Spend time on areas where your child is losing points, as well.
Then, more practice problems.
It’s very helpful to work with a study guide, which gives useful tips and tricks, as well as explanations. I recommend Barron’s, available at Amazon.
Check out the 2013-2014 NYS Exam Schedule: